The Burpee Challenge - Torch Fat Build Muscle!
Phew Life can be tough sometimes
Lets not forget that when life can knock you down off your feet, as it does from time to time for ALL of us, you will then have to get back up again (similar to a burpee)
And when it gets real tough is when you WILL also need an element of mental strength..
Are you ever going to fail a burpee? The answer is no.
They may get ugly or a bit sloppy at times, but falling down and getting up takes very little skill. I prefer to think of burpees as “fall down get-ups.”
They are the perfect analogy for life – you get knocked down by a challenge and you find a way to get back up and continue moving forward.
Because of this, burpees are the perfect character building movement.
Just another reason to get involved in our latest little challenge - THE ONE MINUTE BURPEE CHALLENGE
Perfect, for anyone who wants to build some strength/tone and torch that stubborn body fat whilst improving your overall fitness and mental strength and resilience!
Why burpees?
Well apart from the above Burpees are the most metabolic body-weight exercise on the planet
They involve total body usable strength (both physically and mentally)
Balance, conditioning, and coordination
They WILL turn you into an athlete
They’ll also help you scorch fat
And get you conditioned like NO other exercise can do
Burpees are a full body workout and they help you gain strength in the entire body.
With each repetition, you will work your arms, chest, quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, and core. With some volume accumulation, burpees will have your arms and legs shaking and feeling like wet noodles.
Burpees significantly differ from isolation exercises like bicep curls and tricep extensions as they train the whole body as one kinetic chain, it's a 'movement pattern, similar to kettlebells (why we also use them)
You get more bang for your buck and burn more calories in less time while doing burpees at high intensity.
Burpees require no equipment and you can literally do them anywhere. If you cannot make it into the gym, you are traveling, the hotel does not have a gym, or you are stuck outdoors, you can always do burpees.
They are an easy movement to perform where nothing more than your body, and a little room, is required.
They give you no excuse to not workout!
Burpees will also help improve your conditioning and respiratory endurance quickly for those with either body composition or basic performance goals.
For those training for specific sports, they’ll find burpees beneficial as well. For example, Rugby and Footy players after a shot or collision may need to return to their feet asap.
Which is why we incorporate them within our balanced week of health, fitness, and longevity routines
We're all about the health and longevity/wellbeing of the human body (and mind) so we don't usually turn exercise into 'competition'
*The idea is you are in competition with yourself because unfortunately as soon as you turn exercise into a competition usually all form and technique goes right out the window and you will end up doing more harm than good with injuries and accidents etc - Crossfit as an example, which is a SPORT, and not about health and fitness*
However, this is just a fun friendly challenge (and leader board we have for both our online and local wellness warriors)
Claim your FREE Guide, my personal blueprint, to learn more:
Below are some burpee variations and modifications so you can get started (remember positive ACTION beats positive thinking EVERYTIME) regardless of your STARTING fitness levels and then progress as and when you are ready
Are you ever going to fail a burpee?
The answer is no. They may get ugly or a bit sloppy at times, but falling down and getting up takes very little skill.
I prefer to think of burpees as “fall down get-ups.” They are the perfect analogy for life – you get knocked down by a challenge and you find a way to get back up and continue moving forward.
Because of this, burpees are the perfect character building movement.
With a burpee, you may start by jumping your feet back, kissing your chest to the floor, pushing up off the ground while snapping your feet forward toward your hands and then jumping, and clapping also if you'd like, but definitely hands above head to make each rep consistent.
But you can always simplify it by stepping back, touching the chest to the deck, stepping forward, and reaching overhead. This movement is incredibly beneficial for those that struggle with push-ups and core stability.
Below are some burpee variations and modifications so you can get started (remember positive ACTION beats positive thinking EVERYTIME) and progress as and when you are ready
I hit around 21 1/2 on this attempt so next time I will attempt to hit 22
The Wellness Warrior have a friendly leader board (grab the free guide to learn more) but if you are just starting out I think a target of 10 burpees is realistic and something to build on.
However, if you can hit 20 in one minute with GOOD form then you have some serious warrior fitness levels.
Apparently the word record is 47 burpees
Therefore, beginner workout - Attempt to build up to 10 burpees in one go, between 1-3 times per week with one rest/recovery day in-between, go for walk if you try to build fitness/lose weight, for 2-4 weeks and you will start to see AND feel these benefits!
Or if you are already exercising, at the gym, or going for a run, whatever your thing..
Add this challenge at the end of each workout day or a minimum of 3 times per week for one month and just see what happens! Feel free to let me know how you get on in the comments section
This will also help produce the 'afterburn' (check that post out in the info section) where you continue to burn fat for up to 36 hours = your next workout?
Anton 'challenged' Hedges
PS - Also, don't forget you can still claim your free copy of my warrior wellness guide that includes more info on this challenge, my routines, and meal plans (no diets!) that works perfectly alongside this challenge: