The Balance Test That Could Tell How Long You Will Live
Take this simple 10-second (balance) test that could tell how long you are going to live
We incorporate a LOT of balance and stability work due to the many health and longevity benefits and this week there was an Australia study that claimed that a simple 10-second balance test can determine if you will die young.
The Australian study shows that people over 50 struggling to stand on one leg for 10 seconds are at a higher risk of early death. That’s the conclusion of a study published in June 2022 in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.
So if you are 50 or over try standing on one leg for 10 seconds?
Disclaimer: *We take no responsibility for any routine you choose to follow on our page without professional supervision*
Researchers found that middle-aged and older people faced a doubled risk of death from any reason in the following decade if they couldn’t stand on one leg for 10 seconds or longer.
The findings suggest that balance assessments should be worked into routine health and fitness check ups.
“In this context, the availability of simple, inexpensive, reliable and safe balance assessment tools that could help predict survival would potentially be beneficial to health professionals evaluating and treating older adults,” the study authors wrote.
**It is a simple and relatively safe test, however, if its too easy? Try this how long will I live test:
For the experiment, the team conducted health and physical check ups of roughly 1,700 participants aged 51 to 75 from 2009 to 2010. As part of the process, researchers asked volunteers to stand on one leg for 10 seconds, with their free foot resting on the back of their standing foot and their arms at their sides.
They were also allowed three attempts on either foot. Roughly 21 percent of participants failed the test. The likelihood of failure increased with age—people aged 71 to 75 failed more than half of the time (54 percent).
Over the monitoring period of the following 10 years, the study’s authors discovered that those who failed the test had significantly higher death rates over the course of 10 years. Roughly 17.5 percent of those who failed died within a decade, compared with 4.6 percent of those who passed the test.
Researchers also found that those who did fail tended to be unhealthier “with a higher percentage of participants having coronary artery disease, hypertension, dyslipidaemia ,and obesity,” they wrote.
All told, when accounting for sex, age, and pre-existing medical conditions, those who failed the 10-second test had an 85% higher risk of death due to any cause in the next 10 years.
Of course, this is an observational study with a lot of correlation involved. Researchers don’t know for certain what’s causing it—though it’s very likely poor health. Regardless, the team wrote that the 10-second test “provides rapid and objective feedback for the patient and health professionals regarding static balance.”
When I attended Steve Maxwell kettlebell and body weight mobility health certification weekend we looked at how many older people may die from heart attacks and strokes etc, however, these are USUALLY caused from trauma of a fall.
Above - Its me, Anton Hedges health and longevity expert.
Statistically, each year an estimated 684,000 individuals die from falls globally, the study reads.
“While it is known that good levels of balance are relevant for many daily life activities, there is considerable evidence that loss of balance is also detrimental for health and that some exercise interventions may improve balance.”
This is one of the reasons we incorporate the balance and stability, unilateral movements, working or training one limb/side of the body at a time, is also one of the most effective methods available for stepping up the intensity of your workouts
Unilateral work is also great for core strength, stability/mobility, and not to mention the balance and coordination benefits
Studies have discovered that the ability to balance on one leg is ALSO an important test for brain health.
Balancing on one leg may indicate if a person is at risk of dementia or stroke
Scientists found that an inability to stand on one leg for more than 20 seconds was associated with microbleeds and "silent" strokes.
Although the brain injuries were too small to cause symptoms, scientists warned they could indicate growing problems. Silent strokes, or lacunar infarctions, are known to increase the risk of both full-blown strokes and dementia.
So, you can see how this will be good for your health and longevity and why it's something to incorporate, regardless of age, even through completing this challenge daily (both legs) will help you improve
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Sources - Study listed above. Yahoonews. The Dailybeast