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Sat's Story: How he upgraded his body & mind and got his life back!

One of the most common issues I see with a lot of new starters is...

Those all too common aches and pains

well, most of these people are over 40 :p

however it doesn't have to be that way

as you will now know (if you've been following)

that a LACK of joint mobility health is the cause of 90% of all (back) pain

muscular pain that is (spinal would come under the other 10%)

which is what a LOT of these wake up warrior have since discovered

alongside dropping fat (weight loss) and building strength (tone)

guys like Sat, when Sat first joined my local in-person coaching back in 2018 who was struggling to even get out of bed in the morning without pain, due to that annoying back/calf pain (and those vital fitness/energy levels)

he was all about looking, moving and feeling better or pain free movement and committed to a month (our minimum commitment)

following registering for one of our previous free trials

he then informed me it would ONLY be initially for a couple of months

a couple of months later this is what Sat had to say:

''Having worked with some other local 'pt's who never dealt with my issue I started coaching with Anton for and haven’t felt this good since I can’t remember when. My aim was to improve my general well being and try to sort the back pain that I had been struggling with for some time.

Thank you Anton for giving me this new lease of life and belief in my own ability. I feel much stronger and have also lost weight/belly, I didn’t realise how simple it can be. Back pain and stiffness, I don’t know have those sort of hinderances anymore.''

this why Sat then continued with online training for over 18 months in total before deciding he now had the tools (5-pillars system) to go alone...

since then he has managed to stay strong, agile, pain free (pic below) whilst continuing to highly recommend me, and this simple proven system

also is why I am now currently working with a number of his friends and family both online and locally in-person.

Above - Message I received from Sat, a busy local businessman, in his 50's now

which is why this system is perfect for him regardless of all the body shaping benefits (the natural by-product)

so having continued to stay in touch, Sat then decided he wanted to return after almost 2 years, just because he wanted some new challenges and goals (plus I think he missed us)

ironically he had to spend a short period on the waiting list for the local in-person coaching

(what with recommending many people)

but he's been back now and progressing nicely with his next goals

something he thought he'd never achieve BEFORE he took ACTION

and now we can and are pushing on we also need to counter balance this

(remember the deposit and withdrawals?)

as recently Sat had a little tightness in his back although nothing like before

which comes back to that joint mobility health again

although it's no coincidence this appears due to the fact that Sat spends long periods of his professional (and personal) life driving LOTS of miles

and of late he has done eve MORE driving and travelling

alongside hours at a desk (the office hunch)

throw in recreational imbalances and bias

E.G - long periods sat down hunched over then heading to the gym doing loads of pushing movements just added to the imbalances

more rounding of the back, tightness, and aches - pain

reverts back to people putting all that time and effort in but in the wrong areas and usually to their detriment (busy idiot)

yet tell themselves its ok cause they are exercising

yet dislike their results, yet WON'T ASK for help

well not until the pain of change outweigh the pain of staying the same

and Sat had finally had enough of that pain and now there's no stopping him!

Anton 'move it' Hedges

PS - Below, look at Sat's 'physical' progress alongside all the pain free/longevity benefits!

DAY 1 summer park sessions through to Autumn studio sessions (we also have ONLINE sessions)

Want to learn more about the simple proven 5-pillar wake up warrior system that Sat used?

Grab the free warrior wellness guide, includes remove back pain routine:


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