Gareth - How Busy Professional Dad Gareth Torched the Belly Fat, Lost 10kg, and Removed Chronic Pain!
Gareth's Story - To be fair I could be talking about any of the men
Check out Gareth's progress...
Any of these online guys who follow our simple PROVEN system
(that doesn't involve hours of boring exercise and diets)
And today its Gareth just ONE of the busy professionals
who lost 2inches of that worrying belly (and over 5kg of fat)
and improved his strength, fitness, posture, and energy levels
whilst removing his chronic pain back pain
as well as bullet proofing his stress, confidence, and happiness levels
(with as little as 5 mins daily mindset work)
including his confidence to speak on camera about the benefits and results
that was achieved in one month (minimum commitment for guaranteed results or your money back)
he then continued and lost another 2 inches and 5 kilos in the next 2 months
totalling TEN kg of fat loss and 4 inches of stubborn belly fat whilst building strength/muscle
since following this simple proven online system that includes live online sessions alongside bespoke app to be followed in-between sessions, Also to monitor progress, and access me and all my coaches..
Obviously, this is only a look at Gareth's PHYSICAL progress check out what he had to say below and the video he sent me
''When I started online coaching with Anton I was 105 Kilos, out of shape, eating the wrong foods and too much and drinking way more than I should. I felt it was about time I did something about this for myself and my kids.
Anton came recommended by a number of people and decided to give it a go on one of his no cost (free) trials.
Your programme is personalised for you and what you want to achieve and Anton is there 24/7 to offer advice and guidance and is not too afraid to stick a rocket up your backside if you are not following your programme.
His F5 System has been a revelation and is stepping up the game in my overall targets Anton and I have set myself.
I find that I am calmer and able to focus a lot more, taking time to re-assess what is important and not getting so stressed out.
I would recommend anyone that finds it difficult to stay focussed and committed to sign up with Anton's especially if you are suffering with your results as I did for sometime!
Gareth Cope - Businessman - Cotswolds UK
Here is the video Gareth sent me about how we work together online and the benefits he is now enjoying...
Ready for results like Gareth?
If any of this is resonating with you
feel free to grab my free no strings training guide:
where I take you through the system Gareth, and hundreds of guys, have used to torch that stubborn belly fat, lose over 10kg of fat (weight loss) remove pain whilst feeling calm and full of energy!
Anton 'results' Hedges
PS - Don't forget you don't need to beast or crush anything! Its way simpler than that..
You just need a simple strategy, plan of action, accountability and support and a deadline to work to and remember-