10 Body-Weight Fat Burning Exercises
Following on from our current 14-day belly burn challenge here are 10 body-weight (no gym or equipment is required) belly burning exercises that will also help improve strength, fitness, and build some muscle tone..
What you will also find through using body-weight movement is that you will also improve agility as opposed to machines that isolate and restrict natural movement, therefore, causing imbalances
And as we know already that the majority of the training population have imbalances caused by occupational activities along with recreational activities and that exercise balance, you now ONLY going for that run, that hasn't achieved your ideal body shape yet right?
This comes back to our beliefs systems again and why the men on the waking the warrior body and mind program question their beliefs daily as part of our simple yet PROVEN system
This system that I devised from my own personal experience because I now know that to achieve what it is you really want then there is an element of waking up to your current results and reality before you can move forward
Anyway, why not give some of these exercise examples a try?
And don't forget you can still grab my free wake up warrior blueprint that includes meal plan example that works perfectly alongside these fat burners: https://anybodyspt.lpages.co/wake-up-warrior-free-guide/
Above - Or if all else fails ('',)
Anton 'belly-burn' Hedges
Let me know how you get on in the comments
and if you know of anyone that may benefit then why not share the love?